Some Tips For Playing 2-7 Triple Draw

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작성자 Dale Whitehurst
댓글 0건 조회 40회 작성일 22-11-21 18:45


There are so many fundamental basic skills that make a great player poker just that, great. You don't need anything fancy to be a poker pro, just master the basics.

Create a simple to follow yet effective betting strategy. The norm is just a 3xbb aggressive strategy which works perfectly. Until you are ready to really become an expert in betting just bet three times the big blind and you'll be doing fine enough. This makes for super-easy play too.

Another great little betting tactics is using correctly betting the pot. What I mean by this is, you do not want to underbet the pot and you do not want to overbet the pot.

Initially you'll need to learn which are the best pocket cards to play and from what positions. When you play premium hole cards you give yourself a much better chance of actually winning the hand.

poker betting strategy If you raise 5x BB on a good hand, 3x BB (to slowplay) on AA and KK and 6x BB when you're bluffing, an astute player will be able to read you very quickly.

The problem I was having was predictability. I'd become super predictable, and apk slot gacor therefore super exploitable, by c-betting every single flop but folding to any sign of resistance. It was the easiest thing in the world to call my c-bet and then pull a float play on me.

And after you know that, you really need to focus on your opponents. You need to keep tabs on what cards they play, how much they bet etc. Then you can guess or at least estimate what cards they have when you are playing against them, and this combines with your pot odds to determine what you should do.

Well, this mistake in my logic started to cost me a lot of money. I'd get into the habit of playing 8 tables at a time and then throwing out c-bets left and right without even thinking about it. The only rule I had was that I wouldn't c-bet if there was more than 1 opponent in the pot.


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